Friday, August 1, 2014

Milestone Reached. Thanks.

   Axtwosix passed a little milestone the other day with its 20,000th page hit. When I started the blog a little over a year ago, my chief aim was to share my experience of ministry as a priest, born and raised in Charleston,  South Carolina, and serving in the Diocese of South Carolina for 25 ordained years, and for 16 years as a layman before that. The experiences I shared were mainly presented within the framework of a 10-part series entitled "Why I Stayed", which seeks to lay out my rationale for staying with TEC during the Great Schism of 2012/13. It has been challenging as one born and raised across the creek from Ft. Lamar and the little village called "Secessionville", to live and work at the epicenter of yet another secession. But God is ever-faithful, and to walk in Jesus' steps requires sacrifice and pain.

   There are also some meditations,  pieces by guest authors, news and commentary, etc.
    I then took about a 3-month break from blogging due to a family illness and a very busy congregation that is situated 17 miles from my house.
   Taking away those 3 months,  and taking away some undoubtedly robot-generated and accidental page hits, that's not a bad readership for an inexperienced hacker. If you're new to my blog, I invite you to look around.  There's some good stuff in here. If you're a "steady reader",  take heart. I have some new stuff floating around in my head. Thanks for reading.
Chris Huff +

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